Rabtherm Anti-fouling-System

antifouling thumbKeeping heat exchangers clean (biofilm prevention) by means of the patented Rabtherm anti-fouling system.

Method of functioning depicted with a tiled roof in Zurich.

The striking feature is the wide, clean strip below the copper-edged chimney. We achieve the same effect with our copper strips between the heat exchangers. The possible impacts of the very small quantity of copper on the sewage treatment plants have been investigated by leading energy service providers, public utilities and wastewater associations: The anti-fouling system is absolutely harmless for sewage treatment plants. Measurement results available on request.

antifouling tech
Measurements carried out at sewage treatment plants of various sizes demonstrate that the antifouling system is absolutely harmless for the treatment plants. The results of the measurements can be requested at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

So heat exchangers do not have to be slimey and insulating. They have to conduct heat well. With a lot of time and money a new ferritic steel was developed which makes it at least as suitable for withstanding corrosion and erosion as the previously used material. In addition, it was possible to increase the thermal conductivity by over 80%.